'It has opened up a whole new world...'

In November 2009 our son Ben was assessed and diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome.

We were very suprised that Ben had been through five years of school having to deal with these problems and had made progress, all be it slowly. It was decided that Ben needed glasses with lenses that had a colour tint in them.
Since Ben's diagonsis we and his teachers have noticed a remarkable difference in his attitude towards school and school work. He is a lot happier and confident in general.

Ben would often find excuses to not doing any reading homework (e.g. leaving his book at school) but this term I went to pick him up from school at the end of the day and I found him sitting under a shady tree reading!!!!!

Since Ben has been diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome we have become aware of what Ben sees and how he processes information, it has opended up a whole new world for him. We are all very excited to see what Ben will learn next.