Early Vision Training Interventions May Help Survivors Of Occipital Stroke

Early Vision Training Interventions May Help Survivors Of Occipital Stroke Recover More Vision Loss Than Training Administered After Six Months, Study Suggests

Research published in the journal 'Brain' during 2020 may offer hope to stroke patients in regaining vision.

They found that survivors of occipital strokes (in the Visual Cortex at the back of the brain) which are known to affect the ability to see – may retain some visual capabilities immediately after the stroke, but these abilities diminish and eventually disappear permanently after approximately six months.

However, by committing to early Vision Therapy using the initial preserved vision, stroke patients can recover more of their vision loss, than if training is administered after six months.”

Here at VisionLink we are committed to early intervention with Optometric Vision Therapy.

Published Research;
Functional preservation and enhanced capacity for visual restoration in subacute occipital stroke; Elizabeth L Saionz, Duje Tadin, Michael D Melnick, Krystel R Huxlin ; Brain, Volume 143, Issue 6, June 2020, Pages 1857–1872,    https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awaa128