
'Now it is so much easier and clearer...'

My son L.B. has now had his Irlen Lenses for 4 months and I have noticed a big improvement. Before he had them he really hated going to school because he couldn't see the board or read his books and he was going to give up. Now with the lenses he can see a lot clearer. His words are not moving around anymore and it is not blurry for him. He is also enjoying going to school now and learning. I look forward to seeing what else he can achieve in the future.

Louise Hampson - Proud Mother, Waipukurau. January 2009

Since I have had my Irlen Lenses I can read and see the board at school a lot better. Before, it was really hard to concentrate and I kept losing where I was when reading. Now it is so much easier and clearer and I enjoy school now. I hope it continues and I get better and better.

(L.B.), 11yrs, Waipukurau. January 2009

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Toby's gains from Cellfield Intervention

Cellfield has been very valuable towards making a positive difference for our son, Toby.

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My New Glasses are Cool

I would like to say that we have noticed an improvement in Maddison's reading since she has had her (Irlen) lenses. I feel Maddison is more confident in her reading and is reading more fluently since she has been wearing them. We are very thankful that we found out about Irlen syndrome.

Maddison says, "I like them because they have pink in them and people at school say to me that they like my glasses.

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'They help me read for longer and help me concentrate for longer'

Hi my name is Tim. I am 12 years old. I found out I had Irlen Syndrome when I went to get my eyes tested. I have had trouble reading since primary school and I have been going to special reading classes for my whole school life. Since I got my glasses I went up two and a half reading years in just two months. They help me read for longer and help me concentrate for longer. The words on the page are clearer, not fuzzy and I don't skip lines or miss words like I use to.

Thank you Vision Link for finding my problem before I got older and my learning was a life time problem.

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Brayden's experience of Irlen Syndrome and the value of Irlen spectacles from Mark at VisionLink

An adult commentary on the benefits of Irlen spectacles.

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Testimonial for Optometric Vision Therapy

For us as parents it was important to understand that our beautiful daughter wasn't 'slow' to write and finish her work as her teachers constantly labelled her. She worked soo hard at her reading, and had finally gotten herself to a 'reading age' according to teachers, but, in my opinion she wasn't reading fluently like her brother and sister had at that age. Yes, she could read and understand each individual word, but reading was a laborious task for her, and each work was thought about, stunted and slowed. Writing was even slower.

We went away with this diagnosis and took some time to mull this over and consider whether or not to follow up with Mark's recommended treatment. Never were we pushed into following a treatment, and this was appreciated. We were naturally a little skeptical as there was a sizeable financial commitment as well as the huge time commitment; however, we wanted our daughter to have the opportunity to learn at the same rate as her peers.

At all stages of the program Mark was friendly, knowledgeable and professional, he explained every step and stage to me in a simple detail that made logical sense, he included our daughter in these conversations and empowered her by making her confident and proud of herself.

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Irlen Lenses are Amazing!

When wearing the Irlens glasses while reading, I no longer get headaches, my eyes don't water or tire after a few sentences, the words don't jump off the page at me and the white on the page is no longer distracting or glary.

It is now a pleasure to read! Thank you very much Mark!

I would recommend anyone with similar symptoms as those above to have an Assessment and try these lenses out and hopefully they will be very successful and amazing for you too!

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'It has opened up a whole new world...'

In November 2009 our son Ben was assessed and diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome. We were very suprised that Ben had been through five years of school having to deal with these problems and had made progress, all be it slowly. It was decided that Ben needed glasses with lenses that had a colour tint in them.

Since Ben's diagonsis we and his teachers have noticed a remarkable difference in his attitude towards school and school work. He is a lot happier and confident in general. Ben would often find excuses to not doing any reading homework (e.g. leaving his book at school) but this term I went to pick him up from school at the end of the day and I found him sitting under a shady tree reading!!!!!

Since Ben has been diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome we have become aware of what Ben sees and how he processes information, it has opended up a whole new world for him. We are all very excited to see what Ben will learn next.

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'My reading speed is 5 fold what it used to be.'

Throughout my schooling life I was constantly told by teachers I was slow! I was always the last child to complete written tasks and found that I could only read for short amounts of time which made reading tedious. Despite this I would hand in work of a high standard and had been put in and out of accelerate classes as I could understand the work but not complete the tasks given by teachers on time. I was diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome at the age of 22. I made enquiries after seeing an advert for Irlen while picking up glasses for a friend and I have never looked back. I wear my Irlen glasses all the time and have found that my reading speed is 5 fold what it used to be. I now know that I was never slow I simply needed 'to view the world through rose tinted glasses'

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'I can read more easily and for longer periods...'

Dear Vision Link

In the short time I have had my Irlen glasses the improvement has been so dramatic that even my English teacher commented on my school report.

I'm finding that I can read more easily and for longer periods of time using my Irlen glasses. This means I am no longer getting into trouble in class for not staying on task.


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